Nordlichter ’10





NORDLICHTER is the new festival for Nordic Music and Arts in Berlin. As a new platform for the Nordic music scene, it will this year be presented in the RADIALSYSTEM V.


In close collaboration with the Nordic Music Days 2010 (Copenhagen), the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and the Ensemble Adapter (Berlin) NORDLICHTER will feature projects focusing on the collaboration between Nordic and German artists.


The light as a resource of creativity and influence on artistic expression has a very special impact in the Nordic countries and serves the project as a general idea.


In four following up concerts, artists, ensembles and composers from the Nordic countries and Berlin will present a musical journey throughout the actual musical life of the North.
The evening before, NORDLICHTER together with The Royal Danish Embassy will present a warm-up concert at the Nordic Embassies. The musical performance will be accompanied by an interesting exhibition about the history of the Nordic Music Days, the oldest festival for classical music in the world.


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